Indus Valley Tamil Civilization - a new outlook

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World civilizations teach us the gradual developments of the cultural and social advancement of mankind. Tamilian otherwise known as Dravidian civilization forms the very basis of Indian civilization, most of what is ignorantly called Aryan philosophy. Medicine, Astrology, mathematics etc., are literally Dravidian or Tamilian at bottom.

Purity of speech is a mark of culture. Tamil language maintains it down the ages. Aryans also followed the Tamil model to maintain purity in their language. The statement, “An Aryan family was barred of priesthood for its apurta (Impure) speech” as seen in Aitreya Brahmana as well as satapata Brahmana (A.B. Vii 27. SB iii-21) will also prove it.

It is not fair on the part of the historians to say that India had never been a single political unit before the English rule. It is an historical reality that at the period of Mohenjodaro and Harppan civilisation that the entire Indian border including Pakistan Baluchistan and Afganistgnan was peopled by the Dravidian ethnic population under sovereign rule of the chera chola and pandya kings and 600 petty kings (Vasals) have paid tritute to the pandya emperor at Korkai, a capital port city in the south. Rigveda speaks of the Tamil King palpudan (பல்பூதன்). Palpudan is not a Sanskrit word and it is a pure Tamil word Palpudan was a proper name of the then pandya king in north India.

This book is a collection of many research articles read in seminars conducted by research departments which throws light on the hidden history of the ancient greater India before and after the advent of Aryans in India. Other articles (1-2; 1-3; 3-7; 4-1; 403) are based on my field work.

"Ignorance of history will make the people slaves for ever" is a notable saying and it is worth mentioning here. History is the backbone of any ethnic group, though the whole humanity is said to be a single race. Identity of an ethnic group is indicated by its language, culture, history and civilization which are inseparable from each other.

I hope my attempt to trace the Dravidian roots in Indian history from Indus civilization period will necessitate the historians to rewrite the Indian history. It needs to be started with the Dravidian civilization period by filling up the gaps of the dark period of historical pages with the new findings of the Dravidian civilization.

I express my sincere thanks to the research departments for their encouragement to submit the papers at their seminars. I am thankful to the publisher for bringing out this book for the benefit of the public and the elite.

R Madhivanan

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