A Crusade For Social Justice - Contents

A Crusade For Social Justice - Contents

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  • Introduction: V. Vasanthi Deva
  • Early Inherences
  • Synthesis of Ideologies for Social Justice
  • Dreams and Plans
  • Early Challenges
  • Kindred souls
  • How to sensitize Bureaucracy
  • Crafting the strategy
  • Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes (SCP)
  • Central Assistance to States for Investment in their SC Finance Development Corporation
  • Special Central Assistance (SCA) to the State SCPs - the Romance of its origin
  • Launching of Programme for the Liberation and Rehabilitation of Safari Karmacharls
  • SC Converts to Buddhism - Long Delayed Recognition
  • Protecting SC sand STs from Atrocities.
  • Dr AMBEDKAR’ S Birth Centenary - A Turning Point
  • Constitutional Status for the National Commission for SCs and STs
  • Aborted Legislation for Reservation for SCs and STs in the Central Services
  • Recognition of the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes
  • Caste: India’s monumental Failure - How to Exorcise the Demon.
  • Unitoiichability’- Why 80 Persistent?
  • Total Liberation and Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers
  • Prevention of Atrocities Act and the Amendment Act
  • Measures for Empowering SCS
  • Need for Unity among Dalits and Resolving Intra-Inequality
  • Dalit Literature: A broader definition
  • Tribal Rights and their Violations
  • Tribal Rights MGVEMENTS
  • Forest Rights Act and Lagging Implementation
  • Promotion of Tribal Rights in “Neo-Liberal Context
  • Separate Electorate - It’s past and Future
  • Mandal Commission Report - Struggle for Its Implementation
  • Mandal Commission Legislation - How Much Has it Delivered and how to optimize it?
  • Rise of the SEd BCs
  • “Creamy Layer” Issue and Weaker BCs - Categorization and Other: Unfinished Tasks
  • BCs among Minorities
  • Muslim BCs
  • Dalit Landlessness Can be eliminated: Its Crucial Significance
  • Harmonizing Relations between SCs and SEdBCs
  • Class versus Caste - An Erroneous Dichotomy
  • The Left and the Caste and “Untouchability” Question
  • Captialien & Dalit Entrepreneurship
  • Common School System vs. Private Schools
  • How to Bridge Gap in Education
  • Rohit Vemula - Issues and Remedial
  • Reservations in Private Sector of Education and Employment
  • Agitation of Socially Advanced Castes for Reservation
  • Political Parties in Relation to SCs, STs and SEABCS
  • Media Neglect Social Justice
  • Lopsided Representation if Judiciary.
  • All Parties’ Homage to Ambedkar. But, What Next?
  • Honor Killings
  • Religions, Societies, Conversions and Reconversions in relation to Dalits, Adivasis and SEdBcs
  • Other Important Events
  • A Final Word
  • Annexure
  • Bibliography
  • Abbreviations
  • Index
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